Thursday, February 25, 2016

Climate Change Infographic- Hawaii and the Pacific Islands

The Hawaii and U.S Affiliated Pacific Islands region is threatened by climate change.

The warming of the earth has resulted in a rise in sea levels, warming of the ocean and acidification, droughts and extreme weather which have created many problems in the region. The islands are composed of many demographically, culturally, and economically varied communities. Tourism is a main contributor to the economics of the area which can be greatly affected by climate change. As well, a majority of the communities rely on agriculture and ecosystems for sustenance and revenue which is being put at risk through the harming of such systems and loss of habitats. The ecosystems are especially important because they have such a large biodiversity and have a high concentration of native species which provide insights into evolution and adaptation. Freshwater supplies will become more limited on many islands and the mounting threats to food and water security, infrastructure, health, and safety are deeply affecting the future of the Pacific islands. The region includes more than 2,000 islands spanning millions of square miles of ocean, the effects of climate change will be and are immense.

Works Cited:

"Dungue Fever." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Jan. 2016. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

"Fat Coral More Likely to Survive Bleaching Events." Marine Science Today. N.p., 30 Nov. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

"Freshwater Demand (allocation)." Freshwater Demand (allocation). N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

"Hurricane Season Begins June 1." Hawaii Army Weekly. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

"National Climate Assessment." National Climate Assessment. Global Change. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

"Ocean Acidification Jun. 2014." Joomag. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

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